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Being Young in Real Estate


Hello Everyone I am Bob and in this real estate series I am teaching you how to be young and great at real estate. No matter your age you can make it in this industry!


It’s hard to do. In this climate I am seeing people with grey hairs getting far more credibility just because of the color of their hair. I am talking about age. Being a young guy really does give you a bit of a disadvantage from a credibility standpoint. Being younger than your client’s kid doesn’t usually help when they are making a huge financial and life decision.


Step one to fix this. Get accredidations. Getting your real estate license in Phoenix is just the beginning. You should also get your brokers license as soon as you are eligible. You should also get a CPM. That is a Certified Property Manager. From there you should get a CCIM. That’s great from investors. You can also get a GRE if you are going the more residential route.


But the biggest thing I have done is become a home owner and an invetor myself. By actually putting myself through the process and becoming one of the people I helped other people become for years I really came to realize what all my clients were really going through. That’s invaluable to me because it gives you some perspective.


It also makes you a better agent because you will find you will get better at digging into the numbers, the areas, and the contracts when you find its your money at stake.


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